- Go to https://console.developers.google.com/project and log in or create an account, if necessary
- Сlick on the blue CREATE PROJECT button as depicted in the photo below. Wait a moment as google prepares your project. Troubleshooting: if you reached your project limit, then sign in with another Google Account or create a new one.
- Fill in whatever Project Name you want and click on blue CREATE button
- Go to Navigation menu on the left, find APIs & Services section, then select Library
- Search for “YouTube Data API” and click on it. Make sure you are selecting specifically “YouTube Data API” and not any other YouTube API
- Now click on the blue ENABLE button
- Click on CREATE CREDENTIALS button at the top right
- Follow Add credentials to your project guide:
- Make sure there is YouTube Data API v3 selected in Which API are you using?
- Select Public data in What data will you be accessing?
- Click NEXT
- Copy API key into Enter YouTube API key field on creation form:
- Done! Follow the next steps on the form to create YouTube app
Note: You can always access your YouTube API key in Credentials section of your Google Project
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.